Nashville Union and American from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)



THE WEEKLY UNION AND AMERICAN is furnished to subscribers at 3 00 per annum in advance The TRl-WEEKXY is published avery Tuesday, Thursday aad Saturday, at $5 00 per annum, in advance; if not paid in advance, $6 00. The DAILY is published at Eight Dollar. GTTHE MONEV, IN ALL CASES, TO ACCOMPANY SUBSCRIPTIONS. fi3 Remittances of subscriptions may be made by mill ut our risk. No paper will be sent out of the State unless the order is accompanied with the cash.

jgj- We wish it distinctly understood that no paper will be discontinued until all Arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publishers. SCOTTT LLEGIANFcOJtNDCli DULL. THERE are features connected with this Mill worthyof consideration and close examination on the part of those wishing to purchase a Feed MilL Its mechanical const met ion and adaptation to the purposes designed, to crush and grind ear com. Its great capacity, while doing an immense work with extraordinary ease, its durability is amply provided for. The "complete and entire portablenesa of the Little.

Giant, rendering its greater convenience lor plantation and farm use impossible. It requires no mechanical aid or bill of expense, to put it up; anv farm hand or servant can put up and net one running in half an-hours time. The convenience with wbich the sweep may be applied to run horizontal as is most usual or over head, and the mill may be easily attached where steam or water is used. The power it takes, requiring one and two horses. The quantity and quality ot product.

18 to 80 bushels of good feed meal per honr, according to the degree of fineness ground, and the size mill. It is the cheapest mill, all things considered, there is before the public Another thing connected with the Little Giant, as a pat ent, ana wortby or note, is tbe lact mat mere nas oeen no Patent Right fpecuLtting or huckstering about the country, as is usual with the thousand bungling make-shin implements that are got up as a trado merely to pet money by selling or palming otf the patent right upon the credulous then the machine to bo abandoned by all parties as a humbug; on i he other hand the Patentee and Proprietors of the Little Giant Mills, believing that they can and determined that thoy will supply the Agriculturalists and Stock raisers of cur country with a superior Mill, are per inanently engaged in the business, and have over one him. dred thousand dollars invested in the manufacture of these mills, in the East, West and South, some of these establish ments employing CO men solely in this business. So highly are these mills appreciated, that four thousand have been hold within the past eighteen months, and the heaviest sjnd the most extensive Manufacturers of Agricultural implements in the United States have eagerly sought an interest in their manufacture and sale. No implement has been more thoroughly tested; no one of the- kind has received so numerous and nigh testimonials trom Mechanics' Institutes and Agricultural Associations, and none by reason of substantial, practical utility and cient have more fairly ground thejr way into every day use and popular favor than Scott's Little Giant Corn and Cob Mill.

Orders promptly tilled. Liberal discount to dealers. BROWN ANDERSON, octl tf No. 40 Market st, Nashville, Tenn. Ori ici or Tiir Maktlakd Comolidatxd Lottiiik, i Baltivoxi, Jdlv 1st, 18SS.

AllTicieti oa Chtificatii orPACiAcrs or Ticexti, 111 THE LuTTERISA AUTHORISED BV THK SlATC or MaBVLAND lilt THE LITHOOBAFHED flONATCai or F. X. BKKNAN', Gemeeal Acext roB the co*ktractoa, AMD am othem ae rEAUoi. Owing to the numerous applications from all parts or the country, the management will give their attention to the filling of orders for Tickets or Certificate, In the Maryland Lotteries. Pertone at distance, may confldently rely upon bavins thoir orders fur Tickets promptly filled, and the ttriclenl confidence observed.

Tnese Lotteries aro drawn daily In public In the City ot Baltimore, under tbe superintendence of tbe Stats Lottery Commissioner. Heavy Bonds are given to the State as security for tin payment of all Priien. The prices of Whole Tickets are from Jltot20. Half and Quarter Tickets In proportion. Tuere are never less than 23,000 Prizes In any Lottery, which Piizes vary in amount from $1 to $100,000, according lo tlio price of Tickets.

For Instance When price ofTicfceUlsgl the highest Prliels about i. tk 4t 2 10,000 ti 5 i 20, OX) i. () ii uq ti 70,000 Uiih numerous Priiea of $10,000, $3,000, 8100, 5.c, Persous can remit us any amount, lrom 91 upwards, that they wlh to invest on receipt of which we forward its value in Tickets in the Lottery designated by the purchaser, or, Ifnone be desimaled, then some Lottery that uill bedrawu after tbe bujer has got the ticket in bis posses tlon. An Official Scheme of the Lottery will be ent with all tickets ordered, carorully sealed in an ordinary envelope, xnd on the day the Lottery is drawn the official Drawing ill to sent, tocether with a written Explanation of the result of the purchase. The Drawn Numbers are also published In tbe daily papers of the City or Itallimore, and in the Dally National luieiligencer, D.

I A Circular containing all the Schemes will be sent to any one by addressing the underlined. Address orders forTickota to F. X. BHENAN, ulySt, 18.15 ly No. 4 Calvert Baltimore, Md.

aTeI. WAL1.1.CE- P. WISCFIELD WALLACE fc VflNGFIELD, Geucral Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN PRODUCE, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. WILL give special attention to the sale of llacon, Lard, Hour, Tobacco, kz, Ac.

itirtu to Wallace, Kooxvdle, Toole, Bro.ACo., Marv-viile, Tenn, Coi, Ionwville, Tenn, Donaldson, Union, Johnson A Hair, A countv. Fains A King, Dan-Iridge. Tenn Vaugn A "Pickle, Sweet Water, Tenn, Jackson, Athsna, Tenn, Poullain, Jennings A Augusta, Ga John Cunningham. Greensboro, Lu-oas, Athens, Ga, John Wingfield, Madison, CarhaTt RofT, Macon, Oa. Willis, Savannah, Ga.

nov7 RAGS S550 IN PREMIUMS. HAVING largely increased my supply of Rags by tbe premiums offered the past year ending June 80. 1 um induced to offer a ltrger amount of preminms for the present year. And will pay the above premium in sums off 100, i'M J70, CO $50, $40, $S0, $20 and $10, to any ten merchant, or "Pedlars" who will deliver me, from this date to the 1st Jnlv, IS56, the largest amount ot RAGS. The same to bo bought outside of and by men doing busing outeide of Nashville orvicmity.

1 wiil at all times pay the highest market prices ia cash for RAGS on delivery, and i.sue a certificate to the ownsr of the uinount received and paid for. These certificates must be kept and cent in on or before the 1st day of July neat, so that three disinterested merchants of Nashville make Uiea-rards. The lurgest amount being entitled to the $100, the next largest to f50, and soon down. Merchants rending me rags will please write that I may know in whose name to issue the certificate. Combinations will not he allowed.

Woolen, Linsey, Silk and Worsted rags are not wanted, imd will not be included in the above. I earnestly solicit greater attention to saving and buying Ruzh throughout Middle Tenn. Julyl-ljdtriwiw W. S. WH1TEMAN.

North of the Square, Palmer's Patent Iieg. This American invention stands unrivalled mth in this couutrv und in Europe. It is worn RJIJLf; by l.HOO persons, and with most astonishing ir tuccess. In competition with CO other substi tutes ct the best frencn, r-ngiiaa, ana uer-man manufacture, it receivedthe award of the curat medal at the Woeld's Kunmnox is Iaxndon, as the btt artificial limb kruncn. In this country it hes been thirty times exhibited, in competition with all others, at the annual I Fairs in the principal cities, und has, in every instance, received the award ol the highest or Jirtt pi tmium.

And as a crowning honor, by the unanimous approval oi an international council, the "Firbt Premium" only Silver Vi-aol given for Limb' was worded at the late New York Crystal Palace. Tl. Inf UGnelv ventilated allowinrr current of air to pass around thb biuuip, keeping it in a cvoi and htiiUhy ctriiJUhn- Pamphlets giving full information, tent gratis to every applicant. II. FRANK PALMER A Co.

Nov. 10 6m S7o Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. 111 WE in store and ior hale low lor cash, the following iirticies: Exira Family Flour, warranted the very best. S-ucar Hrown, Crushed, Loal and Pulverired. CoSee Java.

Lsguyra and liio Preserves, Jellies and Jams tf all kinds, auces. Catsups, Pickles. Oysters, Spices and Fish. Pie Fruits, Peache3, Cherries, and Strawberries. Fresh TouiatoeJ, and all other articles strictly for family use.

Warranted the very best q'mlity. jml'Sfi J. M. UAWKISA3S Vnionstroet. JM.

WILKIN having been admitted to practice nli the Courts of Tennessee and New York, and hav lag uennanentlv 1 icaied in Nashville, will atiend to all matttrs of C-llecti'n and Litigation entrusted to him. Otiic No 7i street aovs if. PortablePlantation. Corn. Feed FlonriaR mills, Maan- fartured from the best quality of Fronch Burr.

MILL oi all on band and made to ord.T. Mnut Mills, Mill Irons, Mill Gearinc, Delting. Hoisting and Regulating Screws, Screen Wire, Damsel Irons. PUMer ol Pans, Dutch Allkcr JlraitU itolliug Cloths, (f all numSers. All nrt'cles sold by ui? warraand to be of the best monev reiunded.

'Millers. Millwrights, Farmers, and others are respectfully invited to examine my stock uotuia p.ousiu eise where. All orders and communications promptly attended t. JOHN W. URAUKOKD, Cor.

liroad anil High sts. Nashville ANAWA 1 on the L-Oth Dtcemlior 1.1 lrom Xt) the subnber, hviog near Nashville, umrgio mao named SAP, 1 dark copper color, about 6 feet high, weighs about 100 uoaad-, slow spoken, and whines a lutle through his note. He bad on when he left a black soft wool hat, brown Jans sack, oat and puntsbe also had other clothing with him, cf a ner Theabovo rward will le given for his apprehension and delivery to the Jailor at Nashville, or $50 will be given if confined i any other jail so that 1 can gtt him. A. B.

MONTGOMERY gicifil Wari-iiEits. will rav Ciuh for Land Warranta. 1'tbS 89 CU1T7 1 CEa- MISCELLANEOUS MRS. GEIITIIUDE J. CARYJS BOAUD-1NG AND DAY SCHOOL WILL resume iU Session on Monday, Sept.

10th. Cir: calarsm.y be obtained on application at her residence, S. W. corner Pine and Fifteenth streets, Philadelphia. Rkrece8.

Rev. H. A. Boardman, D. Wm, Chester, D.

Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. Rev. Henry Darling, Rev.

G. L. Piatt, Rev. J. Gordon Maxwell, Philadelphia.

Hon. Wm. L.Marcy, Secretary of State, Judge P. V. Daniel, Supreme Court, U.

Washington City; Rev. Thomas II. Skinner, D. Rev. Joel Parker, D.

New York; Rev. George Woodbridge, P. T. Daniel, Jr. Esq, Richmond, Va, Hon.

Cave Johnson, President Bank of Tennessee, Nashville, Tenn, A. R. Crosier, Comptroller, Nashville, Tenn. sept25 6m. PREMIUM BOOT AND BH0E MAinJFACT OR V.

EBEN FULIsER, Successor to Hamilton Fuller.) TENNESSEE BOOT AND SHOE 2IANB FACTORY, CoriiKr Market and Spring or Church Nashville. Tenn. GRATEFUL for the liberal patronage bestowed upon this Manufactory sicca its establishment, the Proprietor feels determined to merit a continuation of the same in imure. I have now on hand a good assortment of ready made wcrk, consisting in part of Men Boys and xoutns wan, Kip and Thick Boots and Shoes; Negro Brogans, double sole; House Servants Shoes, Ladies and Misses Calf Mo rocco, aad Lid Boots and Shoe, all made lrom gooa sicca in good style and warranted. Ordersjrom Planters, Iron Masters, Railroad and Turn pike Companies respectfully solicited.

All kinds of Repairing done. Cash mid for UiMes EUEN FULLER. J3T Banner, Whig, Gazette and Cleveland Banner conv. and discontinue all other advertisem*nts, nuiw l.finfiMfi'l'IVKK AND MACHINERY. THE LAWRENCE MACHINE SHOP, Lawrenct, slu*t-vLUke mumifnrftirpa locomotives of anv site or guago, Stationarr Engines, Lathes, Planers; all kinds of tools, uottcn, woollen ana raper Aurmuo rarker Water wneeis; uurnsey ratent rnnung i AC All at tides warrantea oesi matensia aou manshin.

Information mav be obtained and orders lor. warded on application to Mr. JAMES PLUNKET, at the State Uoute, Aashvule, Ttnnesiee, or address J. 11 W. PAGE.

TYeuvrer. nov.22 fimd. Olfice. 14. Kilbyst.

Boston. Mass. FOR SALE. A FARM one mile South-east from Nashville, near the Nnlensville tnrnnika road, containing fifty-one and a quarter acres, first-rate land, a coralortabls dwelling bouse, line spring, orchard, Ac. Also A Fsrm five miles Worth t'rom Nashville, on the White's Creek turnpike road, containing one hundred and forty beautiful valtey land, one hundred acres cleared and forty acres woodland, well set with blue grass, A lot in South Nashville, fronting one hundred and Cf-tyfeot on College street, and one hundred and forty feet on Franklin street, having 03 it a brick dwelling house, containing six roons, pantry, kitchen, smoko-house, servants' rooms, Ac Alito A lot near the above, fronting on Franklin street, two hundred and seventy-six feet, on College street ninety-eight feet, and on Market street ninety-eight feet.

On this lot 13 a well affording an abundant and never-failing supply of good water. If information should be wanted with re gard to the above property, when I am not at Nashvdle, itmay be obtained by spplication to Dr. John S. Young, corner of Broad and Summer streets. decll MORGAN VANCE.

For tlio Complete Cure of Coughs, ColJi, Influenza, Axtlirau, Ilronchitis, NpininR of Illood und all otber Lunff Coiu jilain tending tu ConMimptiou. mills preparation Is eeltlng into use all over our country. The numerous letters we receive from our various a. gents, Informing ua of cures effected In their lmmediuo neighborhoods, arrant ns In saying It Is one of th best, if not tbe very best Cough Medicine now before the public. It almost invariably relieves and not unfrequently cures the very worst cases.

When all otber Coujn preparation have failed, this has relieved the patient, as Druggist, dealers In Medicines, and Physicians can letify. Asc tbe Agent in your nearfit town, what has been his experience of tha effects of this medlciae. If be has bran "elllnril fornuy length oftlue be will tell you ltlsthe best medicine extant. Below we give a lew extracts from letter ne have recelv. ed lately regarding the virtues of this medicine.

Dr. S. Si. Oslin, of Knoxville, says: I have been using your Liverwort and Tar very extensively In my practice lor three years past, and, It Is with pleasure 1 stale my belief in its superiority over all other articles with which 1 am acquainted, for which it is recommended. Messrs.

Fitrjeralddi Brennrs, writiugfrom Waynesville, N. aaj: "The Liverwort and Tar is becoming dally more popular In this country, and we think Justly so. All it ho have tried It speak in commendable terms of it, anday ills very beneflculiu alienating the complainU for which 11 Is recommended. Our Agent In Pickens District, S. Mr S.

K. JIcFall, aures nelhat he uesltwltb great benefit in his own family and recommends It lo his neighbors." Ho gives an instance of a neero woman in his vicinity, who had been sufferlcs; with disease of tbe Ludks for jean, attended with severe cough, who was rellevod by the Liverwort and Tar. Such are the irood reports we hear of this Medicine from allparUoftheSoulh. For a reportof the surprising cures ltbas performed lnlhe Wternand Northern and Eastern Stales, we would Invite the suffering patient to read the para, phlet which accompanies each bottle. To all we say, have none, have hope! Try tho.

MedicineM Be warned In And neglect not that cough which is daily weakening your ciustltution, Irritating jour throat and lungs, and Inviting on that dread-disease, Consumption, when so soothing and healing a rem. edy can bo obuiued as Kogers' Sjrupof Liverwort and Tor. lie ware of Counterfeits and basa Imitations. The genuine artiale Is signed Andrew Rogers, on the engraved wrapper around each bottle. Price, One Dollar per Ito'tle, or six Bottles for Five Dol.

lars. Sold wholesale and reiail by KCOV1L MEAD, 111 Chartres St. bet.Conti and St. Louis, N.O., Sole Agent for the Southern States, to whom all orders and applications lor Agencies must be addressed. Sold also by Ewia Brothers, Berry Demovlle.

A. K. Koscoe.Thos. Wells, and U. Hendershotl, Tenn and by all olherDrueRiststhrougbthe Slate.

Janl2 YALUAI.LE ICEAL RSTATE FOR SALK. The undeisigned proposes to cell a portion of tbe es'ate on which he resides, in the county of Maury, known as "Hamilton place." These lands are beauiifaliy located, well improved, watered, and timbered, and in point of fertility, productiveness and healthtulncsit, arc not surpassed, if equalled, by any lands in the State ol Tennessee. There are in tbe neighborhood Episcopal, Presbyterian and Methodist Churches, at alto schools, rente and female, in the midst of of as good society as is to be found in the Southern States. TOO Acres are otl'ered lor sale, fronting on the Columbia Central Turnpike Road, divided into FIVE LOTS, containing 50, 73, 155, ISO, and 2'9 acres severally. The improvements consist of a BEAUTIFUL GOTHIC COTTAGE, built of brick, containing eiebt rooms, with necessary out-buildings; 400 acies of cleared land, under a good fence, overseers houses, negro quarters, blacksmith and carpenter shop, mill house, corn crib, Ac, Ac.

Ac, The lands will be sold either in a body, or in lots. If not disposed of by the first of November, it will be offered at public sale in lots. To a professional gentleman, merchant or Southern planter, who desires a beautiful country residence, these lands offer great attractions. His rare that such lands are Ktl'ered tor Address theundorsigned at Post Office, Maury county, Tenn. iSf" PUtts of the land may beseen at the store of Maves, Orri Gantt, Columbia, and with K.

Houston, Nashville, Tenn. septlC-tf LBCIUS J. POLK. k'OUNG A.IIKKICA. AGENTS wanted in every couuty in this and adjoining States to tell tbe ubove new and improred AND CUU ill ILL.

To all such, a rare chtnee to make money will be offered. Exclusive Stats and lounty privileges will be disjiosed of on unusually la terms, by application to the Proprietor. FARJJERS AJiO STOCK RAISERS, I offer you a Corn and Cob unsurpassed in the Union, and which cannot be superceded by past or futuie inventions. is the very Milt which every Farmer and Stock Rair-er should hare; it will crush from 8 to 10 bushels Corn and Cob per hour, with one horse; is easily fitted up and managed; eighs 340 and as all contact ot the grinding surlacts is prevented, will last anv farmer an ordinary lifetime. I speak thus of its durability because tbe same principle has been fairly tested in the old Bark Mill.

Who is it that wants A MILL ON TRIAL for one month, and it it don't give complete satisfaction, to return itf It there bo auy man thus him now speak. Satistjcuonis warranted in every case, or the money will be reiunded. Hum Crusher can be attached to hoie, water or steam power, which renders it the most convenient Mill south of Mason's and Dixon's line. All other Crushers now in the south require too much power, or will fimii wear rut. According tj THK LAUS OF Com and Cob Mill hich admits of a lateral or wabbling UiOlinu, will, uucoiwril) m-o wear out; allotber Crushers aie.uenb!e to this graud objection, and the Proprietors dareunt dispute it.

In ll" couMiucliou of "YouKU Aher-ici," I havt- diucd psmi-r, aud 1 defy contradiction; Ibave 1- i-non, 1.U.1 I Uiallenge me word to the ctintra-r; I ti.v-'UC.-iiletiii ubblim: lateral motion, and all are couipeliH.1 u. it; tli-reloru, 1 asett that it I superior "auj cti.i. 1 am now selling'tais Te I nessee iim-m no 1.1 iIii-mi all film (l FIFTY HOLLARS. And anv one j.ood thing," is earaestiy requested lo examine uierili aud principles Ol lhi Mill.auj older tioij u.e Tiopnetor or Agenu. A I1U1.1I discount 1.

lido if. ceaiers. J. I'. DIUiMGOOLE, Saelbyville, Ter.a., Oa.

80 Proprietor. AGrirCTS. Ellis, ACn.hl Maiket street, Nashville, Manu-lecturers and General Ageots. Beaumont, Fail i CUrtsville, Agents for Montgomery countv. ib Waiktns, Pulaski, Agentfor Giles county.

Wm. ii Hunt, Salem, Agent lor Krankan coHnty, and Jackson ciujty, Ala. James 11. Vance, Casttliau Spriigs, Agent for Sumner coautv. J.

v. Hatcher, Columbia, Agentfor Maury county. W.M. Bell, P. M.

Rome, Agent for Smith county. J. It. Aikiu, Charleston, Agent for Bradley couuiv. W.

R. iiuuley A Bros, Loudon, Agents for East Tenues- octlt Ivdtoriw CUlU CORii SAC1V5. WE have iu Store and are regularly receiving i and syi bushel Osnaburg Corn Sacks, to which we "n-vite the attention of shippers. dccSJ tt. flOBDON CO.

MISCELLANEOUS DISSOLUTION. THE copartnership heretofore existing under the firm and style of BROWN GRUBBS, is this day dissolved by mutual consent Jo. G. Beown is alone author ized to use the name of the firm in liquidations Ac JOSIAH G.BROWN, Nashville, June 6, 165S. W.

B. GRUBBS. JO. BROWN. TTAVING nnrehssod thft entiro interest of Mr.

W. B. il Grcbbs, will continue the DRUG BUSINESS, as formerly, at the old stand, where be will be pleased to se-j nu tnenos, six, My stock of Fancy Goods, Perfumery, Ac, is now very wuipicic, uttviug reveivm ireau supplies, uj one of the firm in nerson. viz Lubin's. Basin's, and Mitch- el's Extracts; American Tinct.

and German Cologne Wa ter; Uair and Tooth Brushes, in every style, I Kline's and Luhin'a Sacheu Aromatic Chrvstals Chine. Metal and Glass Puff Boxes, several new styles; Shell (omb, large stock. Also, have on hand Indigo, Madder, Whlto Lead. LinseJd Oil, Turpentine, Ac )ev, 00 TACKIaK. A large stock selected by 1 unj h.

firm Mm.iin nf ronninP T-tTTlPfipt." Hooks, plain and on Snoods; also, Aberdeen, Graveta-leen, and Common Limerick Hooks a splendid assortment 01 unes. uable bald Kilt and tca urass, tspun ana riateu Silk; Miunow Seines, 12 by Floats of every variety; Reels, Joinhjd Rods, Clearing Rings, Fly Hooks, Ac, Ac, In short, can supply those who can appreciate fine Tackle wiiu almost every wing mey may neea ior sue bucccsmui prosecution ot wis usetut cawing. je9 JO. G. BROWN, 43 College st, "OD-IjIVKR OIL.

5Gro. genuine Cod-Liver Oil, just received from Rush ton, UlarE UO Dy jei 0. G. BROWN. 48 CoHege st TJSKCI1ES.

1,000 Swedish Leeches on hand and for 1 11 i al T-kllRH .11 A It )N i All KLA WIUSKY. 5 bbl; JT of the above just received, of prime quality; sold to us lor six years old. je JO. G.

BROWN, 45 College st TONIi WARE. 2.500 pieces Stone Ware, consisting of Jars, Churns, Jugs, Milk Pans, Butter Crocks ot size, just receivea. je9 JO. O. BROWN.

48 College st, PORTER AND SCOTCH ALU. Constantly on hand, Barclay, Perkins Cc's celebrated London Porter and Mein's Scotch Ale. je9 JO. G. BROWN, 48 College st PEARIa STARCH.

25 boxes of very superior article of Starch, just received by je ju. BKOWK, 48 uoiiege sr. II. SCOVEL, DRUCJGIST APOTHECARY, North Hide ot tlie Public Square, three doors est of the Kosnville inn. WHOLESALE and Retail dealer in Hugs, Medicines Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Druggists Glass Ware.

Stone Ware. Paint. Scrub. Blvckintr. Floor, Artists, Marking, Dusting, Shaving, Jewell's, Teeth, Grain ing, Stencil and iieartn Brnsbes.

Perfumery, Bear's Oil. Pomade, Ox Marrow, Pocket Extracts, Ualvamc Uuratives, Ac c. ATENT iUEOlClNES. A large and very gene- 1 roi assortment 01 me most popular many of which are compounded in a scientific manner and members of the Medical Faculty, possessing as much curative power, and as efficacious in the eradication ol disease, as any compound ordinarily prescribed. In proof of which we cite tbe astonishing and increasing demand, by all ot the people, tne ncn ana tne poor, tne nigu ana the low, the bond and thefiee, the learned and the unlearned, for the justly celebrated and popular Family Medicines, among which are IMctor Jayne's Expectorant, for Coughs, Colds and Con sumption.

Alterative and Blood Purifier. Tonic Vermifuge and Sanative Pills. Aver'g Cherrv PecloraT. for Couzhs. Colds.

Ac Williams' Balsam Wild Cherry and Wood Naptha. Fever and Ague Pills. Wm. Hall's Balsam for the LungB. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar for Coughs, Colds and Bronchitis Br.

Clark's Srrnp Wild Cherry and Tar, for Coughs, Colds, Ac. Cowan's Lythonlripticfor diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys. Stone in the Bladder. Gravel, weakness of tbe Loin, Prolapsus Utlri, Ac. Ac Dr.

Trask's Magnetic Ointment, perhaps, is unsurpassed as an external application for wounds, bruises, sores, rheu- maUsm, bites of poisonous insects and reptiles, sore eves, croun. sore throat. Ticdofereaux, neuralgia, piles, inflammation of the bowels, and ague in the breast. Thnnnmeruus testimonials of the curative powers of this cheap Medicine, induces us to regard it as being among the first Medicines of the day. Marshall's Liniment is 0 very cheap article and posses ses rather extraordinary powers in the cure of sweney In horses, as well as sprains and bruises, Ac Hurley's new Sarsaparilla is attracting the attention of the people.

All the above mentioned popular Medicines, together with slows: every otber, on hand and for sale by 11 riri(H'r. V. BW t-ix AYER'S PUIS. ANEW and singularly successful remedy for the cure of all Bilious diseases Costlveneas, Indigestion, Jaundice, Dropsey, Kheumatlsm, Fevers, Gout, Humors, Nervousness, Irritability, Inflammations, Headac Pains In the Breast, bide, Back and Limbs, Female Complaints, Ac, Indeed, very few are the diseases in which a Purgative Medicine is not mora or less required, and much sickness and suffering might be prevented, If a harmless but effectual Cathartic were more freely used. person can feel well while a costive habit of body prevail besides, It soon generates serinu and often fatal diseases, which might have been avoided by tbetunel) and judicious use of a good purgative.

This is alike true of Colds, Feterish symptoms, and Bilious derangements they all tend to become or produce the deep seated and formidable divtempers which load ihe hearses all over the land, llenco a reliaole family physic is of tbe Srst importance to the public health, and this Pill has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Profesors and Patients, has ohown results surpassing any thing hitherto known ol any medicine. Cures have been effected beyond belief, were they not substantiated by persons of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Among tbe many eminent gentlemen who have testified In favor of these Pills, we may mention Dr. A.

A. HAYKs, Analytical Chemiat of Boston, and State Asa)er of Massachusetts, whose high professional endorsed by the Hon. EI1WAKD KVKKKTr, Senatorof the United States. KOKEItr C. WINTHKOP, Hx-tfpeaker or the House of Representatives.

ABUOTr LAWRKNTE, Minister Englsnd. JOHN B. FlTZl'ATltlCK, Catholic Bishop of Kotnn. Also Dr. J.

K. Practical Chemist of York City, endorsed by Hon. W. MAKCY, Secretary of State. WM.

It. ASTOK, the richest manlu America, s. LK1.AM) Proprietors of the Metropolitan Hotel and others. Did space permit, we could viva many hundred certificates from nil parts where the Pills have been used, but evidence even more convincing than tbe experience of eminent public men, Is found in their effects upon trial. I bee Pills tbe result of long luvestleailon and tudy, are oSered to the public as the bet and mot complete which the present staioof medical "clence can afford.

They are compounded not of the drujr themselves, but of the medicinal Mrtuei only of Vegetable remedies extracted by chemical process in a stale of purity, and combined tocether in such a manner as to inure Ihe best results. This system of comiio-sltlon for medicines has been found In the Cherry Pectoral and Pill both, to produce a more efficient remedy than bad hitherto been obtained by any process. The reaon Is perfectly obvious. While by the old mode of composition every medicine ta burdened ith mure or less of acrimonioua and injurious qualities, by thU each individual virtue only that is desired forthe curative effect I present. All the inert and obnoxious qualities of each Mibstaoce emplojed are left behind, the curative virtues only being retained Hence It Is clf-eidnt the effects should prove as they have proved, more purely remedial, and the Fills a surer, more powerful antidote lo disease than any other met'icine known to the world.

Ah It Is frequently expedient that my medicines should bo taken under the counsel of an attending physician, and as he could not properly judee of a remedy without knowing Its composition, 1 have supplied tho accurate Formula? by wbich both my Poctoral and Fills are made to the whole body of practitioners in the United Stales and British American Provinces, if, however, there should be any one who has not received them, they 111 be promptly forwarded by mall to his request. Patent Medicines that are offered, how few would be taken if their composition was kuownl Their life consist in their mystery. 1 havo no mysteries. The composition of my preparations is laid open to all men: and all who are competent tojudee on the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of their Intrinsic merits The I'hurry Pectoral was pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful medicine beloretu effects were known. Many eminent physicians have declared the samethingof my Pills, and even more confidently, and are willing to certify that their anticipations were nore than realized by their effects upon trial.

They operato by their powerful Influence on the interna viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it Into healthy actionremove tbe obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their Irregular action to health, and b) correcting, wherever they exist, such derangements as are the flrl origin of disease. FKEl'AKED HY James O. Ayer. rRACTICAlAAV ANALYTICAL CHEMIST, I.OWKI.L, MASS. Prlco 25 Cents per Uox.

Five Boxes, for 61. Sold at Wholesale ly DEKRY Drt vl I 1LLK At Retail by BROWN GRUBBS. JO Also, by my Agents in almost every town In the State. jaii2 '5H 4m Jas. M'Clwre, (SUCCESSORS TO McCLURE At MARTIN,) Wholesale and Itetall Deulcr lu musical mcrcuaudizc, Generally.

iVO.33. UNION STREET. KEEPS constantly supplied with Piano( Fortes, Sheet-Music, Violin and Guitar 1 strinrc Hrrtso Inatrnmpntii: and in fact every! mine in nis line usually aepi in nccuu" tumuj, all of which will be sold unusually low for CASH or short time. J. A.M'CLURE.


Public Square, Nashville. TO enable ne to sell goods at low prices, from this date all accounts for sundries purchased on credit shall be considered due when the articles are delivered and payments will btexpectadwbea the accounts art preset, teL jaall Z-jm SUNDRIES. FIRST PREMIUM SEWING MAC1IINES' Nashville Sewing Machine Company. ios. 1 and 72 EAST SIUK OF THE PURLIC SQUARE.

NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE THESE Machines are now very justly considered to be tbe best in use. having the advautazo of all others in the simplicity of tbelr construction, the speed and beauty of their work, and the great strength of their seam. Unlike any others In use, they form a seam with two continuous threads from ordinary spools of cotton, silk or linen makinga knot every stitcn waicn prevents tne wort irotn ripping umier ny circ*mstances whatever. The first and bhrhestDremiums have been awarded to these Machines at all the leading Fairs througbcut this country andEnroDe.andtbeinventornow reiolcea in the more sub stantial reward of tho largest patronage ever bestowed npon any Sewing Machine in Europe or America. They are of the highest finish, and of every variety of size and style, and adapted to all tbe wants of the Waning coin-mnnlty.

They are all secure exclusively to the proprietors by let-tors patent, ltnd are free from all lejral controversy. Great pains has been taken to adapt thesa Muchlbes to Plantation sewing, and tbey.are now so simple, durable and easily run and tended by any person, that they are entirely beyond competition for this work or for the mannfactureof heavy or llrht bazs. for Corn or Wheat, no machinery has ever beep invented to surpans them any person after one hours practice can make from 400 loTUU corn sacks per day en one machine. These machines are also equally well adapted to the manufacture of all kinds of clothing, coare or fine, as well as general sewinc, quilting, stitching, Ac. These machines are to arranged a timafeetlie stitch any length desired, and to sew with ease auy aud every seam In any garment, and the durability, regularity aud beauty of ffnisli, cannot be equaled by any work accomplished by tho most skillful bands.

We shall at all times keep on hand a ull assortment of Iheso machines, and most respectfully Invite the public gen erallv to call and see them in use, and eive them a careful examination and be satisfied that the half has not yet beu told. lei If JOY" TO THE WOltLll! THE ONLY INFALLIBLE RRMEDY1 Hurley's Sarsaparilla. OF all Hie remedies thit have been discovered during tan DresenVaze for the "thousand Ills that flesh Is heir none equal tbla wonderful preparation. Only three years have elapsed since the discoverer who spent a decade In studying, experimentation and perfecting It) fl r-t introduc ed ii lo Uie public, and ills already rtcogulzed by the dim eminent physicians Inallpirts of tbe country to 13 the must surprising andcfTrrtive remedy fur certain ilUtae4Qf which they hau knowledge. All otber compounds or syrups of the root have hitherto failed to command the sanction of tho faculty, b-causa, on bulng tested, they have been found to contain noxious ingre.

dient. which neutralize the cood erTecls of the sarsaparilla. and oftentimes Injure the health of tbe patient. It Is not so wun iiuriej preparation. This is the puie and genuine extract nf the root; and will, on trial, be found lo effect a certain and nerfecicureoftbefol- lowingcompiaints ana diseases Affection of the Bone, Habitual.

CoitiveneA, Indigestion, Llvercomplalnt, Pilen, Pulmonary Diseases, Bcrofula.or Klot's Kvll, Syphlli. jieDiiuy, Diseases of the Kidneys, Dyspepsia Erysipelas, Pemale Irregularities, Fistula, Aud all Disraseaof the Skin. Besides curing tha above, it la also known to be a ziea and powerful tonic, purifying the blood and Invigorating- tha system. In short, it Is withoat exception, In the cases mentioned and its general effect on the system, ihe most efficacious, as It la most desirable, remedy of the age. It is already extensively used throughout the country, and Is fast obtaining an Europera reputation.

The instances of res it bat effected are dally coming to the proprietor's knowledge, and he has nobesitatlonln recommending it to one and all who'deslro to procure relief from suhdring. One bottle baing effect will be too apparent to admit of farther doubt. Recollect Hurler's Sarsaparilia Is the only eenulae article In the market. jrp Price one dollar per bottle, or sit for Are dollars. For sale at the maaufaclory, corner of Seventh and Green streets, Louisville, Ky.

Als wholesale and retail byli.G. SCOVIL, and byalealera in Medicine throughout tha United States, Canada and Mexico. JanU E0CI0K OELE1IRATEX) (iER .11 A BIT HS, PREFABED EI DS. C. M.

JACK30N, PHILADELPHIA, will trrsCTOALLr cues LIVES DYSPEPSIA. JAUNDICE. Chronic or Aervoui Vebitity, JJutntu of tKt and all awfaiu aruiny from a Vonkitd Lrzer or JSiomach: Such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness, or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, auea, Heartburn, isgust for Food, Pullnes3 or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking, or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult breathing, Flutterineat the Heart. Choak. IngorSull'ocating Sensations wnen in a lying posture, Dim and Dull Pain in the Head, DeSciency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Ercs, Pain in the Side, Hack, Chest, tc.

Sudden clash a-s of the Flesh, Constant Imaginings ot Evil, and great depression of Spirits. The oronnetor. in calliar the attention tf the tt. this preparation, does ro with a feeling of the utmost coo- ndence in iw virtues ana aaaptation to ton diseases tor which it is recommended. It is no new and untried article, but one that has the test of a ten years trial before the American neoDle.

and its reputation and sale is unrivaled by any simitar preparations extant. The testimony in its taTor given by the most prominent nsd well known Physician und individ uals, in all parts of the country, is immease. The follow ing lrom your own state is respectlully submitted rrler ine any one who may still doubt, to my ilf murabtlia. er Practical Kectipt Hook, for Farmers and F.rniHes to bo cad gratis ot all the agents ior theUerrnnn Hitters. Principal umce ana Jlaniilactory, 120 A rcb I'fcilatM pUia, Pa.

itoiraiuist ioftisnr.ri. Dr. 11. H. ScsBJiORocon, Dover.

Tennessee, August SS. 1858, says: I have sold all tho l.etm-m Kittera you have sent me; and if the preparation continues to do as much good as it futs Som, it viU fA ettr ti'd L. S.VODGBA4S, Sparta, Tennessee. Ausmt 20. 1 -53.

sava: 1 am pleased to btata that your German Hit ten- has (riven satisfaction in every instance where it has been ned." 11. T. Uollins, says "lam pleased to state thai the Herman Hitters baa given general satisfaction." ut. v.i avio tv. tsaa, ruioiviiie.

Tennessee. Annl. 1851. said: "Your Bitters are now selling very fast: and every person that has used it, so Mr us we have been able to learn, nas been oenenieo. J.

W. ruA-NKUs Gallatin. Tennauee. December 30, 1SS0, said: "The ne hnn will want inorentyonr Hitters soon, as one cf the partners thinks It is a invat medi cine. K.S Hardt, Ilohvar, Tennestee, iienlemrxr 15, 1S52, said: "Thereisgrcatdemacdforjourllitlershere; pleanc send another lot soon." rgj They are tiUirelu VtattaUt.

Iree from all injurious ingredients, pros trate it. J3T" by dealers in Medicine anil Storefceei-ers ev- rywhere. TjfT tsoia in nasDviiie by uerry a Lieihoville. Brown Grubbs.Ewin Urolhers, II, G. and dialers in nied cine generally.

imchlO'Sf dAwly JEW DAVID, OR HEBREW PLASTER HK GrMat Ilnmeilv inr Uhniitnftil.iit. flmiL Pnln In tha Side. HID. Hack. Limbs and Joints: Srro'lula.

Kluir'i Kvll, White Swelling, Hard Tumor. MIS Joints, and all is. i pains whatever. vi nerem is riaster applied palncanno exist. It has been beneficial In rases of weakness, such a Pain and Weaknessln the Stomach, Weak Limbs, fectinn of tho Lunzs In their primary stage.

It destroys in. amauon uj pvrspirauon. JameaLBuyd. Picaeua district, South Carolina, testizea that, by its ujealooe he was cored of Kheumali.M in both of his knees, of several yearsstandlng. Tho followine was handed by a respectable Phvician in Georgia: -Messrs.

Kcovil Mead- Gents: I have been uslne- vnnr Liverwort and Tar Hebrew 1'laster ver; extensively in my practice for three years past, and It la with plea.nre thatl state my belief in their superiority, over all other articles, with which I am acquainted, for the tor which thev are recommended. The Hebrew Plaster, especially. Is an universal penaeca for local pains. 1 have also lound It a mos excellent application for Sprains and Cruises. It gives universal satisfaction wherever used.

88 OS I. IN', I). Knoxville, March 4lh, i8S3. CT Beware of uounterleltsaml ban Iniitatiuii 'Ihe genuine will in future have the nf K.Tuv. lor on the steel plate engraved on th uuvluu tiioiupuf each box.

Purchasera are advldsed that a mean counterfeit of this ar- tlcl is in existence. The genuine Is sold bvu-i. and bv our agents aooolnted through the Soutn, and no pedlar Is allowed to sell It. Healers and Purchasers generally are cautioned against buying of any but our regular agents, otherwise the will be Imposed upon by a worthless article. SCOVlL MUAD.

Ill Ubartres alreel, Auw Orleans, hole General Agent ior theSoulhern States, to whom all orders must Invariably be addressed. Sold also by Kwln Brothers, Berry it uemovuie, a Roscoe Thomas Wells and llendershott, Aashville, and by all other Druggisu through the State. FARE REDDCiD TO $7 tfHOM KAbilVILUi TO JACKSON, TKN. -TTIA Tenn'esse tnd Alabama Railroad, Columbia and Waynssboro. For seats apply at the General Stage OlOct.

Leaves NashviUe Sundays, Wedcegdsys and Fn- days, at a. dteS3-tL -sHWHH'W Wl. a. 1 "IW 1 'mVitmcmM -a fina y.m Kanrer, is this NEW YORK, ltREJIEN SOUTHAMPTON UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. THK ships comprising this Uneare WASH-iwrrnv ii .,.1 MA.N'N, Capt.

Kdwtr I Hiplns. stea- 2 men stop at Southampton, both going aud rrtnplng. raorosxn uatas uj saii.i lelfi. From Souih- Frorn From UreTn-n. r. Feb. ii Mar "ii April 13 May 17 ampton WedndaV r.Uurd.iy. HEKHAN'N Jan. 20 SO HERMANN Mar S-J 19 HERMANN May 17 WASHINGTON.

It HERMANN July 11 WASHINGTON. Vug i HERMANN Kept WASHINGTON. 4 HERM-NN Nov 1 WASHINGTON. 9 Feb. 27 Mar April June July Aug Sept Oct Sow Dee 23 til Jane 11 1 1C July I Aug Fepl Oct 9 6 1 13 19 a a 3 31 Nov Nov 2U Dec 27 Dec golntr and retnrninr.

they offer passengers proceeding to London and Havre, advantages over any other rouiefor the econoru. of lime and munev. Passage from New York to Southampton and Bremen, Pint Cabin Saloon, 13d dollars; First Cab.u, tower Salooo, 11C dollars; Second do. 130 dollars. All letltrsaud newipapers mut ihrosgb tho Pot Office.

NoblllsofladlngwlUbesliiUfldiirparceUrecelfrd on the day of Bailing, An experienced Surgeon l. attached to each sliip. For freight or passage apply lo C. H. SAM), II Soum William trfet, New Vr.rt.

C. A. HEINEKEN Ilreinen, CROSKEV Southampton. WM. 1SEUN, Havre.

jai.4t-l FOR nilLlDKLl'HIA, aMEW YORK, AC. SAVANNAH ic CHARLESTON STEAMSHIP LINES 1 he well knowu nrjl clu-v Meanjhipt Heystonc State, CAITALV R. lURIHl. State of Gccrgiia, CAPrAINJ. J.

tiAKVSN, Will hcrealter form Weekly Linn I'htlad-lphia. catling evary Saturday, alterositely, Irooi Savannah and t'lutiles ton, as Ihe Keystone ul'lssi' i-m Saanoah Ihe billowing Saturdays- Jivnurv awn, i'ebiiii'v id nml March 1st, Kith and Leaving thj -I-lernateSatsrdays The State of 'Georgia will til from 'harlenim the fol lowing Saturdays January Srtth, relr rv nd 2 ii, March Sth and 'Hi. Irving fuiladelphia the tliernate Saturday. In btrcDcth, speed anil ihi-ie hhipa are fully equal lo any running un the lonst InUnd navigation, Iuj miles ou Delaware Kiteramt night ut sea.

Cabin Passage, with Stale i.M'm accommodations and the best cf fare, tVt from either i-irt. Suerage, ti. Agents at Ptiihtdelphia, HtKON MAKTLH. Agent at Savannah, C. A.

Gltr.tNKR. junVi'l 5m NASHVILLE BELL AND BRASS FOUNDRY, No 17 South Front Street, JfASliVILXE, Tenn. AB. COOK, practical Hell and Brass Founder, succes sor to Weller Cook, is prepared to manufacture to or er. Hells for Churches, Steamboats and Plantations.

Also, Steam Wnistles, Oil Globes, Cylinder, Gauge, Fountain and Stop i co*cks, Hose and Salt Well Joints, Gun Mounting, Anti-Friction Metal. All work made by me with neatness and dispatch, of the best material, at low prices, and warranted. janlS ly CA11IN PASSaVGE FROM CHARLESTON TO YORK, TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS, United States Mail JLine NEW YORK AND CHARLESTON STEAM SHIPS. Through iu 48 to 53 Honrs. SEUI-WEEKLT.

Nashville, 1500 tons. M. Berry Commander. Marion, 1500 tons, W. J.

Foster, Commander. Jat. Arlgcr, 1500 tons, S. C.Turner.Commander. Soatherner, 1,000 tons, Thos.

Ewan, Commander. U-Ai es Adgera waarvus. every ednes- Am. A 1 .1. aj aiirr je arrival oi ice ears from the South and Wsl.

"at huih water." Thesu Steamships were all built expressly Or this Line and for safety, speed and comfort are unrivalled on the Coast. Tables supplied with every luxury. Attentive and courteous Commanders, will insure Travellers by this Line every possible comfort and accommodation. Cabin passage, $25. Steerage passage, 3.

Forfreightor passage, having elegant State Room Accommodations, applv to HENRY M1SSROOM, Corner East Bay and Adger's South Wharf, febl3'56-U Charleston, S. a KANNY'S CELEBRATED COMBINED REAPEER AND MOWER, WTIH WOODS' IMPROVEMENT. FIRST GRAND SILVER MEDAL For tbe Reaper and Mower at the Paris World's Fair Exhibition, 1555, awarded to John -Macny, and the Machine Purchased by Prince N'upoleon I HAVE on hand and for sale tne above Machines, They received the premiums at the State Fairs in New York, New Jersey, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Kentucky, ond at Gallatin and Nashville in this State, and havegivenuniversalsatisfaction throughout Middle Tenn. where some hfteeo of them have been used in the last two years. Price 150 delivered in Nashville.


TENNESSEE. dkalbr is TENNESSER IRON, CASTINGS, NAILS, STEEL, WAGON AXLES, ELIPTIC SPRINGS, And allotber articles in his liueof business, which he of lers at Wholeile or Retail, low for Caih, at the abov-stand. frbi ly IP ALL A STORE, No. as Public Square, Yes Side, CORXEU DEADEU1CK A1 LL the newest patterns and latest strles. for Parlim.

Il ulU Chambers and Dining Rooms, cheap unglazed, creat variety. i aIImi. innow paper, testers. Teims Cash, for all pmall bills, aad rn time only to prompt cus- tomcrs. fibB W.

tV. scnaLiiCK. I alx. ty. SCURLOCKA-CAMPIlELL.

ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Jackson, Tenncatec. CI Flit TO RCMcNairy A Co- John James Woods, Maj Alex Allison, i Torbett, Esq. Allison, Anderson i Co Wm Shapard A Lisdsley A Crockett, 'ehl lmdAw NOTICE. THE partnership heretofore eiisting between FELlf A UASLAM is ibis day, by mutual consent, diwolred, and Samuel llaslain hereby assumes tbe payment of all debts against said partnership concern, and in to finish all contracts and collect and hste all debts due tbe said firm of Uaslam A Fells. SAMUEL HASLAM, FELTS.

N. B. SamnelUaslamwill continue the business at the Walnut Grove Steam Stone Saw Works, and solicits a share of patrooage. feblf jr lill Should Try It. DR.

J. HOSTETTER'S CELERRATEO STOJIACU HITTERS. ARE YOU DYSPEPTIC 1 hen take these celebrated Bitters. ARE YOU BILLIODSf Try cne bottle of these Bitters and be relieved at once. ARE YOU ANNOYED BY INDIGESTION Remove the cause by the free use of these Bitters.

The celebrity that this excelled preparation has gained in the last few years is beyond belief. The best Physicians in the United States endorse it and recommend it to their patients in all cases of Dyspesta, Indigestion, and Loss of Appetite. It is used by nearly every family in the Union, and none should be without It, For sale by U. G. SCOVEL, G.


CARTER, And by Druggist') and Hotels generally. N. B. See directions on Bottle. septlfi wly.

BLANKETS! JJ LANittlTsIJI rglWENTY cases Bed Blankets: 2 cases Steam Boat J. BlaaksU: 5 bales Mickimw Blankets. For sa; law to clow j3s39 A DUNCAN ft CO. niMtutAila LiLMinr weexsXaaaTKhdbHl jcents perVeekJ1 I feblS-dlwAvr8t nffl. i DRUGS.

1 f1fi PACKAflES frtth ani Gtnn4 MEDICINES, LU CHEMICALS, PAINTS. 4c Received and to be old at the lowest prices by T. WELLS, Atlh MAV AXil MI1KTAR ni, n.ln gmvt.XnshviI!o. iune24 UKGJCAL, DENTAL, SDKVETIXG, Miswitkbt and j-ocirintruinenit avoricu just receivea ny iuneit T. WELLS.

PERFU2IERV. 59 dot. CAcnej urU ahsr fat Toiltttt II aurt.a$sorUd BOHEMIAN GUILT TOILETTE BOTTLES, assorted. COSMETICS A fine assortment. HAIR TO.MCS, Hair Itjes, Gloss Powder, puffs ad boxes nssotted.

CURLING FLUIDS, Pomatums, OILS, PMUozut, Harrow. fc. TOimTTL' and Shaving Soaps, 100 dot. ODOXT1NE TOOTH PASTE and STRAWBERRY TOOTH WASIL ilautring Extract, a full aisorimenL Received and offered cheap bv T. WELLS COl) Roshtoh's, Qcnrnrt Moethia, Uyd.

lontxi. NITRATE SILVER, Select pnwderaof Ipecac, Opium, Colocy nth. Rhubarb, Scamony, Mayapple, Golden Seal. AH offcied low by juneil T. WELLS.

QARn Vl'ARHVLA EXTRACTS. 43 Dozen ij fhtiznti'i, TowMsucn's, Oirjunltr', Srakiq trm'j ttiih' l-cuot SarKaparilla. liA.MV.iiS. AVINIiJj. AC 47 Bbls.

and half 13 vpaac Olmi, lrum-ty, SigiutU, and Ciam- A ROaiATIC NCJJIKIAJI SCHNAPPS-A popuisA rentedy for diseases of tbe Kidneys nOKTEH-London in pint and quart bottles. A. Keoeivtd by T. WELLS. TTtLECTRIC Machines, ChuU, Medical XU caddie Uags, Hum Jiyt, Trusses, snontaer Kraces, ttrrv t-iiyporttrs.

Hyilniulic Cenie at and Plaster of Paris ol su penorcuality. YA If.MsIIICS Fumiture, Coach, and ISUxcb Japan, Iron, leather, Instrument and Picture Varnishes. G1 OLD LEAF, Gold Leaf, Ktd, 1'tiUno and YliUt ISrovs't. BRUSHES 73 dcien Hair, Tooth, Nail. Hat, Cloth, Paint, HiiKting, Sweeping, Scrubbing, Poona, Stencil, II tjl i rr I 1 1 1 ii.nT.

wiiiu.ciuue,mupi;iu iuau i araiau oruaues. LEECHES. kreah supplies. Received by iune2l T.WELLS. A RTIST'S COLOILS.

95 doaen Iresh asaorted XX. Colors iu isllexible tubes, well assorted. PICES: 15O0 LUS. Pepper. 875 lbs Pimento: Cloves, Cinnamon, Mace, Ginger; Ground Spices; Veimicclla; SpuiklmAC Gclletine; Bitter Almonds; Pre-serreil Ginger.

Marbles, Gun Hints, Percussion Caps, Gun I vtadrtinz. AOLOH t'andy tw dnxen Howe's Cough Candy I and New hiiL'Uod CouihSvrup. ril-STARUS il ar.ibri, ZwiiriS', Islington and ill Cincinnati. Received and for sale by T. WELLS.


Well assorted ijWJAKS ANI TOn.VCCOS Oiiadoru, Birr i Ixwuivo, Jenny 1am 2gan; i boxes Jjji (Jven and Fine Cut Chewing and Dutcher -iniokinj Tobacj. iors-Jeiow by a. ILACKINt! 4Q prosslresh Pasta Btacking. KTAKCH. Z5 boxes.

Star Canolks. 45 boxen. ALCOHOL, Vinegars )YMiyt, Hums, 85 bbls. LINSEED OIL and SITS. PUKE WUITELKADin 25.

SO aad 100 Ib kezs. 7.1MC WHITE hjceired and tor sale ata small advance by uae21 WELLS. UENU1NE PREPARATION. HLLMBOLU'S HIGLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU For diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, Secret Diseases, Strictures, Weaknesses, and all diseases ot tbe bexual Organs, bother in Male or Female, from vthatever cause thiv may have originated, and no matter of how long standing. TF you have contracted the terrible disease which, when once seatedan the system, will sorely go down from one generation to another, undermining the constitution and ianmotr the very vital fluids of life, do-nut truit your self in the hands of Quacks, who start up every day in a city like this, and till the papers with glaring faLseh-vds, toa well calculated to deceive the young, and those not ac quainted wim tneir tnexs.

ton cannot be too carelul in the selection of a remedy in these ca3s. The Fluid Extract Buchu has been pronounced by emi nent physicians the greatest remedy ever known. It is a medicine perfectly pleasant in iu taste, and very innocent in its action, and yet so thorough that it annihilates every particle of the rank and poisoneus vims of this dreadful disease; and, unlike other remedies, does not dry up the disease in the blood. Constitutional Debility, brought on br self-abuse, a moit terrible disease, which nas brought thousands of the hu man raci to untimely graves, tbus blasting tee brilliant hopes of parents, and blighting in the bud the glorious ambition of many a noble youth, can be cured by this Infallible Remedy. And a medicine which must bene fit everybody, from the simply delicate to the confined and despairing invalid, no equal is to be louna acting ooin as a jure anu preventive.

HELMBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT AE3AP ARTT.T. A For Purifying tbe Blood, removing all diseases arising lrom excess ot exposure ana imprudence in lile, chronic constitutional disease, arising from an impure state of tbe Blood, and the only reliable and effec tual known remedy forthe cure of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Scald head. Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs. Pains and Spellings of the Bones, Tetter, Pimples on the Face, and all Scaly Eruptions of tba Skins. THIS article is now proscribed by some of the most distinguished phys.cian3 in the country, and has proved more efficient practice than any preparation of Sarsaparila yet offered to the public.

Several cases of secondary Syphilis, ilercurial and Scrofulous diseases have entirely recovered in the incurable wards of our Public Institutions wbich had for many yeare resisted every mode of treatment that could be devised. These cases furnish striking examples of the salutary (fleets ot this medicine in arresting some of the most inveterate diseases, after the glands were destroyed, and the bones already affected. Notice. Letters from responsible Physicians and Professors of several Medial Colleges, and eertiSeates of cures from patients will be fonnd accompanying both Preparations. Piucjs, Fluid Extract of Buchu, tl per bottle or 6 do for ti Sarsaparilla, equal in strength to cne gallon of Syrup of SarsapariLa Prepared and cold by U.

Chemist. 28 Chestnut Street, near the Girard House, Philadelphia. To be had of and of Druggists and Dealersevervwhere. All letters directed to the Proprietor or Agent receives immedutc attention. junel ly T.

WELLS, Agent, Market st, Nashville 1L (1. SCOVEL, No.52 North Side Pnblic Square. ASU V1L LE, TENN lr-S Ii. Chartered by tho General Assembly of the State. THK Institution is permanently and nt surpassed by any similar establubaieut in the United States, in point of lacilltie for imparticif a thorough practical knowledge of the ditties of the Accountant.

This Department is under tho immediate anperv.sioo ot the President of the College, who is -practical Ixxik-keeper, having had many years' experience in sonw cf the' i rgst coiintiog-bniuesln tbe ITnum. sjoinnierciiii a. This Branch is under fti superintendence 4 Jobm A. McEwcs, Metnl-er of tho NKhvilIe liar, wbo is too widely known as a. lawyer and orator to require any further notice at our bands.

Tba Coursor.f Instruction embraceifooin ueaamg ana Lectures. Lectures will be delivered at night, 83 as not to interfere with his professional engagements. fcir Wm Fkbael. A il. Under this head i3 embraced every species of calculations necessary for a book-keeper or man to understand viz Interest, Discount, Los and Gain, Equation, Exchange, Ac.

Ac. Terms ot'Tuition. Doobleand Single Entry, as applied to every vunery ni nnsiness, ooin. prosperoua s-ia lalrerre, Calculations, and Commercial Law Lectures, incl'idinz the use of books. 40 00 Penmanship For twenty lessons, JS 0 tor lessons witnout limit, 10 Oil fST'Tbe above fees ere payable, invariably, in advance The Importance oi this rule must appenrobvious; as students enter for an unlimited period, with the privilege of review- i i I iiip umuy time uunoguie.

wiiuuui CAintcuarger This School is in perpetual session, having no vacation benco students may enter at any time and pursue their studies without interruption. Merchants and business men will be sunnlied with com petent book keepers by applying at this establishment. Good board and lodging can be obtained for (3 per week. No student will be taken for less than a full course, ia whatever branches he pursues. Time required for a full course from six to ten weeks.

J3y Address Southern Commercial College, Nashville, opvn-mwawiy Will. KflOJX, AM) KEY FITTER. Corner of Broad and Cherry streets. Nashville, Tenn. JanS'5 tf TJXTRA FA JULY FLOUR.

Wear, jnstm re- XU eclpt of 100 bags aco ooa JtnlS BUBGE ALLEN. DT addreeftd me at makliaV LJ11 -ISit I ftW-81- ROBERT P. RICHADS0N EAILROADS, NASHVILLE AND CHATTANOOGA RAILROAD. CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. 05 and after Mod lay the Htb.

Pueesger Tralu will be run to and from Chaltanoog-j at follows Daily Train leaves 5ubvllle, at TJO, A. JL, arriving Cbatlanoocaat 430, T. M. RETURNING, Dally Train, leives Chattanooga, at 8, A. arrlriajal NAJbvilla at 40, P.

M. El. A. A.llliJUU1, Xathvllle, Saperlntendenv. SUPPLEJIENT TO FREIGHT TARIFF.

SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, I N. 4 C. Railroad, Oct. 10, 1855. ON and after Ssturaday.

20th inst. Grain and Floor over the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad will ba charged at rates as below ITATlOS TO CHATTAJIOOO X. I VHCAT COaX. OATS. rU)C.

per bo. per ba. per bu. per bbL From -Niahvltle, Lavergnel uu From Marfreesboro, Chrij- lOcts. Sets Cets cl- 9 8 8 0 7 5 35 7 5 39 5 4 25 3 i 4 3 33 10 9 45 8 40 3 5 23 7 5 33 6" 3" 4" 23! 5 4 3 30 tiana ana From Bellbackle.

War- traco, Sbelbyvine and From Tollahoma, EjUll'i Spring, Decherd and Cowan, From Tanlalon, Andereoo From Bridgeport, meund and STATION TO MAAnVtl LL From.Cha'tano' Shell-I moandand From Drdgepori teven- son, Anderson a Taa- talon From Coan, Deche. till' Spring's and "tu. From Normandy Shtlbjvllla ud Bel. buckle, From Fuatervlille. Chrli- tlana and Murfreeibom.J From lour at the above rates to be shipped in Iota oT sotS: ty-five birrela and upward at ona time, when la less quantities, five cents per barrel to be added.

Flour in sacks will bo transported on same terms, S00 lbs to ba rated and charged as one barreL ILL ANDERSON. Superintendent NA3HVTLK AND CHATTANOOGA BAILEOAdT t3r NOTICE Ttl KHIPhkum U.NTIL tbeTennesseo River Bridge rebuUt! Produce and Merchandise will be tran-JEK shipped across the river on Steamboats and Birr mr ges and be subjected to two draysges. Shippers are noti-ned that all goals sent to the LSepts In jina-cient lortoe entire proteeUon or the contents, SiU bare-jected. Grain will not be received except inheavy cmI our gs or gunnv bags. The Ught thin will be remaS tn at trui otU ncMr.

as the labor and toe necessary to repainhe same wiU greatly retard the transhipping and cannot be performed. The Agents of the Read are specially instructed not to receive grain at their reTpVctira nations unless, the sacks are plainly and distinctly marked andaccompanied by an order of shipment We cannot permit the Depots to be used ct Stones Houses lor Grain or Produce, when the fame is to be held until it suits tha convenience of tbe owner or shipper to order ltrcrwara. Wheat to Chattanooga will be eharjred nine cents and Corn e-ght cent per bushel from Tuilaho-ma and all stations west ot Tennessee River and from Nashville and all stations west of Tnllahoma, Wheat will be charged ten cents and Com nine cents par busheL cJlrEei1 of" dollar per barrel from Nash ville to Chattanooga. All articles at ireight designated in our Tanlf as Ut, 2d, 8d and 4th das wUI be carried at present Tariff rates. IL 1.

ANDERSON. REDUCTION ON LUMBER From Bridgeport, to Tantaloa Inclusive, Lumber a reduced ta per Car load, from present rates, i rom Cowane tolNormandy inclusive. Lumber is reduced SI per Car-toad lrom former rates. declS I A. RAILKOAIt COTTON destined for Charleston will, on and after this date, be charged 1425 per bale of6001bs.orlee, and 83 cents per 100 lbs.

for excess of over SCO lbs. saptia H. ANDERSON. Sud'l. N.

C. ata.wa AVAaxj.viL.i.js TO NEW ORLEANS. THROUGH IN FOUR DATS. lJl' TTI1 FARE, THIR1T DOLLARS. IA ChatUnooga, Atlanta, and West Point to Moa- gomery by ltailroad.

TickeU to be had at the Depot. 50. From Montgomery to Mobile, by a double dally line, (morning and evening) of Stages aad Steemboatj, connecting with tbe steamers from theneo to New Orleans. At a. ba.

ii au a. aVJ uitaija. Gen'l Snp't N. C. R.

R. TiiANIEEAND vlarama railroad ON and after Wednesday, December 12th, 1,53, Trtir will run as tollows: G0I su si UTH. Leaves Nashville at (bin a l-hompson'susao. GOING NORTH. Leaves Thom*oson's at a.

uniJ Nashville 1055. and 6.80. r.u. Sunday Train leaves Thompson's at 0 a. The Stasreaof Carter.

Thom*osAHouh Trains at Thompson's. Throuzh Tickets to Memnhix. tl Tnscumbia, Florence, Colnmbis, and Pulaski. caV be procured at the. General Stage Office under the Verandah Hotel- A.

AMlKRlV dec's-tf R-Eng-aadVup-t. PENNSYLVANIA ItAlLROAD. Route, connecting the Atlantic eitiM withv and Southwestern tatek. by a. continuous Railway direct.

This road aLo conned "aij Ai-o lit oieamcra to an porta ot the Western Rivers, and at ClerrUnA Steamers to all pons ou the Northwestern Lakes maijuir tne moat direct. cAAittost i FREIGHT can be forwarded to and from the Vrtai liW Philadelphia and Pittshnrtr: FIRST (ia boxes,) Furs, Feathers, fftrl0f2i SECOND CLASS. Books and Statioaerr. i Dry Goods (ia biles,) Hardware, Lea- J-75e per ICOS THIRD Baeoa, and Pork (ia Hemp, Ac.

I 65c 10" FOURTu llsh, Bacon, I ouu a uij.ipiu:&cu,j vara ana AAtrdUil Flour il per bbL until further notice. Grain 50 cts.per 100 lbs. until further notice. Cotton 2 per bale. j.i further notice.

f7 'Wpping Goods fctan any point East of be particular to tnatt package fmnnlianvt ailrojJ. All Good consigned to the Agents "of tins Road al Philadelphia or Pittsburg will be forwarded without detention, FaciouT ActxTs. Harris, Wormley A Co Memnhuv Tenner. It. F.

Sasa A Co, Ht J. S. MtfchoH ii Su, tvausville, Indiana; and ilurdock; and arter A. Jewett, Louisville, Meldrem, iladuoo. Indiana; Sprigmaa A.

Brown, and Irwin A Cicciaaaui N. W. (Jrsha A Co, "iinesville, Leech A Co, Nu. Kilby street IStaton; Leech A Co. 2 A.tor Hoase, Netr 1 William street, and No.3 Battery Place, New a orit E.J.

Speeder, Philadelphia; iligraw 2k Kdouai, -ai. timnre; Geo. Franciscns. Pittsburg. H.

U. HO US EON. Jtn-rai Fr.itA.,..t H. J. LOMUAEitT, Pa.

aoS llelj PENNS VLVANI A RAIT.Itf i a it nrsHREK Daily Through Train, between Phitad-InliK 1 and Fitteburg -THE MORNING MAIL TRAIN leaves 1 bthtdelphu for Pituburg at 1, A. 11.. VMa. bnrg for Philadelphia at 7. A.

M. i'ut iivl. ielpl-m for Pittsburg Plttsburic for Philadelphia at 1. P.M THk vimin rruuLui ratodelphfa tor littsburK at 11, P. Pittsburg for Philadelphia at 10, P.M.

Tbeabore lines connect ut to St.Lou,s.Ma; Alton. Galena and Chicago, Iraukfort, Uxington, and Louisville, Ky.j Terr Haute, iladtson, Lafaveitend Indianapolis, Cincm-natiajbin Springfield. Bellefoutainefsan'diuky'. CIeve.and, Columous. Zanesville, Millon, and WoOster, Ohm; also, with tbe Steam Packet Boats from and to New uinisriueana innaenatL Through TickeU can be had ta or from either of the above places.

For further particulars, see Handbills at the different starting points. Passengers from the West will had this tne snortest and most expeditions route to Philadelphia baltimore. New ork crBostoa. Q'P'rrP' AosST. PaiMuyer Zint, PdUnrJ.

Philadelphia, 1B54 jr.n ly FARE REDUCED TO $12 50 rROJI aVASHVILLE TO VIA Tennessee and Alabama Railroad, Columbia, Waynesboro and Memphis and Charleston Railroad. 150 miles railroad, and ICS miles turnpike. Leaves Nashville Sundays, Wedaesdajs and Fridays, at a. m. Apply at the General Stage Office, opposite the Post Othce.

deefci tf. COJIUS, FANS, AND PAA'CY GOUOS. I I A 2f TASXUB. -tfl PARK.PLACE, NEW YORK r-itea theattoatioo J.U of Southern and Western Merchants, to his newstoci of Fa is. Combs, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Ladies Reticules, Perfumery, Soaps, Porte Moaaiea, Jet and Bead Bracelets.

Pocket Books, Dress Buttons, Pics and UedJe Hooks and Eyes, Watch Guards, Wax, Coral, aad Olas Bead, Necklaces, Ac India Rabbex Combs, Canes EtJIs and Toys of every description. Edssors, Razors anil Cillery, Gold and Gilt Jewelry, Accordeoci and Violins, is- and German Fancy Goods, which wUI be sold at the vei lowest prices for Cub or Appro in Patm. ST Orders by letter selected and put up ia the manner. WILLIAM TA3KER, nry4-lyd. Paxx PLtc Yook.

A DWELLDVG. NEAT frame dwelling wita three or four rooms, oa tbe comer of McNairy and Demnmbrace streets ta West Nashville fronting 100 feet on Demumtrace street and 16S front on McNairy street. Apply immediately to W. BROWaY. 1SS MAKV WEBER will give letsona od'tbl-Piaao aad Ham st the resideacea cf tar miDib a to VL Weber, Na 24 Viae itrwt, Jscll frr'irt-lTftiniii-niir- iriHnnPi rTf 1 1.

Nashville Union and American from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.