The Sun from Orangeville, Ontario, Canada (2024)

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Orangeville, Ontario, Canada

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I AROUND US 5' lik linin' mu 8 1 num i 07 Hhoite 1 Thousands of women are wan pal Creditors of Jane Torrance 1 1 i 1 la A Af thft Trtnm rf NOTICE A QUICK OPERATION was Miss Jennie stealing OR SALE (the ttarkcts COURT REVISION 1 the blood Make SERVANT WANTED BROOCH LOST per lb WANTED dis 's po 1b 1 1 removed other nervousness will 12 9 12 8 6 5 6 5 7 00 0 22 0 17 1 50 0 90 0 19 0 14 0 09 8 50 8 50 0 17 0 10 0 22 475 0 80 0 80 0 75 0 50 0 50 0 42 0 00 0 60 Johnston who is recent attack of 10 cents 20 30 15 carcases medium Meteors rush through space at the rate of 26 miles a second They are not usually larger than a pebble and on striking the atmosphere they dissolve instantly into gas and knew the item good general servant small family good wages re ference required 519 Huron street Toronto REGAIN NOW THE STRENGTH YOU LACK fYN Broadway or Zina street on riday the 10th last a gold bar brooch with the initials valued as a keepsake inder will be rewarded by leaving it at Harkness' Jewelery Store that clog up the wheels of Much better to act in time Pills they COMPETENT casket cloth covers apply to Orangeville SUN AN EXPLANATION On Sunday morning James Doctor Used Pocket Knife and Saved Man rom Choking St Catharines May 28 Neil Mc Cann a Merritton young man had a narrow escape from death by choking on Monday evening While eating at a restaurant a large piece of meat stuck in his throat and the efforts of those nearby to relieve him proved useless Just as the bystanders had given up hope and after McCann had become black in the face Dr Herod of Thorold drove past and was speed ily summoned The doctor had no instruments with him and seeing that it was a case of life or death cut a small hole in the unfortunate throat with his pocket knife and then pushed the meat through the mouth with his finger In this manner his life was saved! McCann was taken to the and hospital where he is resting easier although still in rather a serious condition i ARGE Brick House in East ward nicely painted and papered is offered for sale at a bargain as owner is going to leave town On the place are two stables good hen coop gar den and orchard This house is suit able for private dwelling or would make an excellent boarding house It is one of the best built houses in Or angeville has bath furnace and other conveniences urniture wil be sold with dwelling or separately It will pay all prospective buyers to look in to this before buying Apply at THE SUN SPRINGTIME BALM Painting Barrels Did you ever see a Standard Oil man paint a barrel? No? It is a revela tion Tricks in all trades The oil bar rels as every well Informed man should know (Standard Oil being the biggest thump in the world) are blue as to bilge and bulge and white as to heads The completed barrel is rolled into the shop by thousands A man steps up with a brush of white paint and with three swipes executes a de sign upon the head then spins the bar rel along It is caught by another man with a brush deeply dipped in blue paint He takes the rim between his thumb and fingers gives it a whirl and whil that barrel is spinning runs his brush up and down In less than three seconds that barrel' is all blue Then as it spins along the man with the white paints keels it over and with three more swipes makes the other head white Talk about your bowling New York Press bronchial throat nose catarrh Two sizes 25c and all dealers rpHE Court of Revision for the Corporation of the Town of Or angeville will hold its first sitting for the year 1907 at the Council Chamber in the Town of Orangeville on RIDAY the 14th DAY JUNE 1907 at 7 PM All interested please take notice No appeal will be entertained un less made in strict conformity with Assessment A A HUGHSON Clerk of the Town of Orangeville Town Office May 27th 1907 A CURt GUARANTEED OR PiutS Itching Blind Bleeding or proVud Ing Piles Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case no matter of how long stand ing in 6 to 14 days irst appli cation gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist It send 50c in stamps and it will be forwarded post paid by Paris Medicine Co St Lou is Mo Single and Plural Germans A journalist in Berlin has been exer cising his ingenuity in attempts to ex la in the meaning of the letter which appears with more or less frequency after the names of German military of ficers in the records kept at the minis try of war and in the military cabinet He has come to the following conclusions: One after ah means that this particular officer (drinks) S3 means that he (drinks hard) SSS de notes that he sehr (drinks very hard) SSSS means that he sehr stark (drinks very hard schnapps) finally SSSS8 means that is (bad) Any officer with five is summarily missed by the kaiser ft name is i rpHE undersigned barbers have agreed upon the following prices which take effect on June 1st Shave Haircut Haircut and Shave Haircut boys under 12 Haircut and Whiskers trim med Whiskers Trimmed Shampoo Seafoam Headrub Messaugc Honing Razors Robt recovering from his rheumatic says the Brampton left for Preston springs on Wednesday lie was accompanied by Mrs Johnston and nurse Irvine Wheat fa 1 do goose do red Buckwheat Oats Barley Rye Peas Hay timothy do mixed Straw do loose Butter dairy do common Spring chickens Beef hindquartes do lotequarters do do Veal Old fowl Ducks Turkeys dressed Geese Potatoes per bag Apples per barrel Wool per CASTOR I A or Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of lid rundown and dispirited What they need is that nourishing tonic errozone Soon they regain those laughing eyes bright spirits and rosy cheeks errozone does this and more as Mrs Adrianson of Whitney Pier CB testifies daughter was very much run down and had considerable troubles at times Often I was at a loss to know what to do I was advised to give her errozone and I did so er rozope and I did so errozone cleared up all the trouble made my daughter healthy and well erro zone gives good appetite regulates strengthens I consider it a medi cine every woman should use regu larly if she 'wants to feel her Rebuild with errozone it is the King of alT cures Price 50c per box at all dealers SYSTEM REQUIRES REQUENT CLEANING Not only outside but inside as well your body must be frequently cleaned! Otherwise it becomes loaded with wastes that clog up the wheels of health Use Dr strengthen and regulate the bowels assist digestion enrich the blood and thereby fortify the nerves and lay the foundation of lastiqg good health Dr Pills bring vim and vitality so much sought for today they infuse a feeling oL freshness aba spirit in those who have been ailing ior years rteany no meuicine so tent Price 25c 'at all dealers Robert died at his home at Bolton on' Wednesday He was a native of Ireland His first wife was Elizabeth Monkman of Albion and ms surviving wife Hilliard 30 10 25 15 10 10 25 GEO McLEAN HUGH GREENIS TERO If H'V "'I iave or tne rown oi urangeviiie in the County of Dufferin Widow de ceased who died on the 5th day of ebruary 1907 are requested to send to the undersigned Solicitor for 1 Peter Torrance the executor ot her estate particulars of their claims against the said deceased on or before the 1st day of July 1907 After said date the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said de ceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he shall then havo notice and the said executor will not be liable to any other person This notice is given pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1897 Chap 129 Sec 38 Dated 28th May 1907 GEO ROBB Orangeville PO Solicitor for the said Executor lour all Wheat Spring Wheat Goose Wheat Barley Buckwheat Oats Peas Rye Hay per ton Wood per cord Butter lb rolls Eggs new laid Apples per bbl Potatoes per baig Chickens per lb Turkeys Geese per lb Dressed Hogs per cwt Beef per cwt: Hides Calfskins per lb Wool A rx A Swell Bootblack A bootblack wearing a diamond stud and whose linen Is as spotless as that worn by those whose shoes he shines is i one of the fixtures of a government building In this city He was highly bruited when a passing stranger see ing his asked him to In a loud voice the son of Italy gave the well intentioned offender to understand that he only by ton This is a fact and when at the end of each month he collects his the pile In profits amounts to as much as the salaries of some of the men who employ him and Is really in excess of that paid to many Philadelphia Record TORONTO MAY 30 1907 Thomas Morphy and family of A clock is being erected at San Diego California which will tell the time of all nations at once separate dials It will chime Bells of Old Kentucky and Last Rose of at al ternate hours' The tune for the curfew at 8:30 each evening will be Sweet Home JUST WHERE THE DANGER LIES In many catarrh snuffs cocaine is the largely used ingredient in con sequence the drug habit may be for med To be really cured of catarrh to do so quickly safely and pleasant ly doctors say Catarrhozone is sup erior to any other remedy It heals sore places stops discharge prevents hawking spitting and bad does this by first destroying the cause of the disease Catarrhozone is lio experiment it is a tried' and proven cure that is guaranteed for and lung $1 at Winter Leaves us Miserable Ailing Weak Build up Now During the winter the system gets sluggish The blood polluted with impurities deadens the nervous sys tem and dulls the actions of both li ver and kidneys the foulness of the system increases and when spring comes we are limp and useless Spring is a duty the body sewers must be flushed out and waste matter wise weakness and surely follow Begin by enriching it pure and nutritious by taking er rozone its the greatest blood form er known to medical science errozone makes the liver fairly sing with new life makes the kidneys dance with renewed vitality and thus the accumulation of pollu tion is expelled Of course digestion must be impro ved and probably the stomach will require aid as well errozone ser ves the purpose admirably Those who use it enjoy appetite and diges tive powers far beyond the ordinary That tired feeling Is replaced by the buoyant joyous sensation of health and vigor Day by day as your strength increases you feel new en ergy surging through your veins and know that a tonic of great merit is at work No remedy more nourishing or up lifting no treatment so sure to bring lasting health good spirits and con tentment errozone contains just what run down folks need it cures because it supplies more nutriment than you can get in any other way ree "from alchol and prepared only rt to nrio ryrl inkloto nor 111 UlUVUidvv vuavvu vauivvoj vvv pvA box or six for $250 at all dealers Be sure you try i A snake was found coiled up in the coal cellar by Mrs Wright of Ux bridge Ont The reptile which was i of a purple color over the back and i said to be very poisonous had evi dently come in the coal from Pennsyl vania saw mill near the townline of Osprey and Melancthon was reduced to ash es It is not definitely known how the fire originated but it is supposed from a spark smoldering in the saw dust from the day before The mill did a good business in lumber as well as in lath and shingles also in grain chopping The engine and boiler are the only portions of the outfit that I stood the fire It is probable the i mill will be rebuilt Love of the lowly the small The Love vanity ever earL te nf veniei anu Ih 10 Avholc universe Uh iMn 3L mnrr ouomuig LS and moistening all the is Love Thp editor of the Mt orest Re presentative was treated to a new fangled shave with compressed air machine the other day and not only lives to tell the tale but to testify to the fact that it was a delightful experience He describes it thus actual shaving process is not different from what we are all accustomed to but the cleaning up which follows is where the machine shines particularly if all the parts are turned on The corners of a fel face are nicely rounded off sand papered as it were (although not with real sandpaper you know) then a flesh filler is put on followed by a polisher and perfumery all blown iin the skin by gentle compressed air RU NA WORKED SIMPLY I SufferedSeverely With Unable to Work t' Miss Lucy McGivney 432 3rd Ave Brooklyn writes many months I suffered se verely from beadaches and pains in tbe side and back sometimes being unable to attend to my daily work am better now thanks to Peru na and am as active as ever a nd bave no more 'beadaches way Peruna worked in my case was simply marvelous We have in our files many grateful letters from women who have suffered With the symptoms named above Laclc of space prevents our giving more than one testimonial here It is impossible to even approximate the greatj amount of suffering which Pe runa has relieved or the number of women who have been restored to health and strength by its faithful use NOTICE TO CREDITORS where dear hands shall clasp hands once more rarts that touched our hearts years before come to meet us in that ning in behalf of the incmbersii oi church Mono Mills GEORGE PATTERSON HENRY SPEERS Wardens Ernest Duke read the address ss Aggie Jackson presented the wnicn contained $43 in gold lanes replied Mr Geo Patter Irish warden presided as chair ne meeting was somewhat en by a solo by Miss Allen fridge a recitation bv Miss fe and violin music by Mr Jacksnn Short addresses were expressed appreciation Mills Hnrrv Sneers lance Wilson Duke A neo McManus Richard and John Jackson Lunch ifved by ladies of the congre The meeting closed by sing pther be with you till 'el aEain followed hv the lion i ty IVlONO MIl LS 1 nirsr Qlih nrftR innr )1 ieewub ftnanes nlace and ChaP I was present The rtf a LueileOnt an A NES It was with and inexpressible sorrow learned a snort rvi omnnorct 'inssant stately stride onward bearing sun life into the I in some boys playing ball uif reais rL rou became our pastorrnit fnllC nC Ding rnnereeation but hat memories and pros of the transitory joys lives in those years have IM vaI nno fnnn itc tn nur minds and rv SuU itself about our hearts sp of tirnp Pan rf tbai Bouzov That memory Sir is yourn with us as our pastor anrl a half years it has nrivilece to hear your voice thp Sabbath proclaim injno rnhnhlo rinh (en tones ine 'hr st tor tout i ond nut nmnvst lV movcu in ching our lives by yourkindly 1 a1Ja 4 yiniinrht hv ktr VA 11UMW lUUURuv Lple faith i and by the pro litfirotiirA in iDA istnouuon nhlAl nlTYt AHrl the King yuui 1 1 wrzx il 4" Go seems io nave fnunu in the Ark of tvid nf Christ In times mu have rejoiced with in sorrow your tears have t'mi Virtxrrk With OUL OWH jvu iiav the bedside of the dying once again in gentle tones the of the love In Sir you have been a strong for good in the community and good seeds which you have luring your sojourn amongst us and near uulu iu Mr is it not true that roll from soul to soul and live and To such a manh friend it is hard to say and we can only reconcile I ix 1 cxr cr TO lUb YUU kv lod has a greater work in store in vnui new uumv in VUOM Not only do we deplore your from us but Mrs and family too will be greatly in many Mays In the in the Auxiliary in' vnur estimable wife and will be long remembered And bid you tareweii we asa accept this purse ol gold as a tnVpn nf nur respect our ap ion and our love may each coin remind you ot some friend vou kave leit Denina golden deed your hands have rougnt ana oi some guiuvn have Strewn upon your way ie choicest blessings of Heaven vered upon you ana yours inw field of toil may you win ir labor souls from the furnace hearts from the dying andhe last steps on lifes weary hive been taken when the last shave been said may we past people tread together the of gold in the city of our i Editor THE SUN Dear Sir In your issue of the 16th inst an item appeared about George Hillock of Caledon being up in the court at Brampton charged with horse names in this case has caused some confusion the accused is a son of the late Alex Hillock my Moses also of Caledon As I had absolutely nothing to do with this anair nothing about it until appeared in THE SUN I make this statement sci my friends will know I am not the Hillock referred to in this case 1 Yours truly GEORGE A HILLOCK Caledon May 29 ORANGEVILLECorrected by Lindsey MAY 30 1907 per barrel $450 80 0 72 0 72 0 45 0 48 0 40 0 75 0 56 0 00 12 00 6 00 0 20 0 16 1 00 0 85 0 15 0 12 0 08 8 00 5 00 0 09 0 09 0 20 GREATEST EMALE STRENGTH ENER ON EARTH Brampton last week removed Los Anp plpc Pol A i man named James Smith was drowned atZThornbury on Tuesday ot last week Hep worth is now an incorporated village and its first council has been elected' by acclamation John Porter wife and child arriv I ed last week from Scotland a rid are staying at his Riverview The body of an infant in a cotton bag was found at Lindsays 'concealed i The population of Orillia has de i creased by over' 200 during year and the assessment has de creased nearly $40000 A former teacher of Caledon has 'given' Inspector Embfee enough money to buy a bookcase and library for the use of the school Mary Gertrude1 Gill only' daughter of Chas Gill clerk of the town ship of Toronto died a few days ago aged 21 years of David Hambly of Nobleton who has been deaf and dumb from birth died of disease on Tuesday He was 68 years of age and leaves a wife 7 Mrs McCabe who went from jala io the House of Providence To ronto about a year ago died in the institutian recently at the age it is claimed of 112 years or being drunk and using profane language on the street in Beeton Jack Schoolcraft wasu sentenced by Rev Chrystal JP td one month in Barrie jail with hard labor A team of horses ran away in Bol ton last week and Harry Austin mounted his horse and started off after them but the horse shied and the young fellow was thrown against a fence and had his arm dislocated Inspector Donald MacKenzie of West York and Provincial Inspector Morrison visited Kleinburg where they seized five gallons of whiskey at the hotel kept by inn inn was later 'find $30 and costs A man by '(he name of Davis while working in bush Tec*mseth had his leg broken in three places on Monday and is at present in a very precarious condi tion Blind ootball ans When the 200 inmates of Blind asylum Manchester sat down to tea the other evening an officer read out to them the announcement In the Dally Mail of a special edition for the blind There was a burst of applause when the reading was over followed by a buzz of animated discussion is said Mr Illingworth the governor a keen interest the blind take in field sports They follow the game of foot ball in you ever been to a football I he asked a blind youth he replied you know the I know them ail and every thing that is going London Mail in this life is lost The ce which rises from the crush is not lost it wafts away lls Wanderings mingles with some other flower strains of music once jare hot lost to us they may IS (Of a whili nnri flnat ihrniio 10 gladden other ears but back even through the years when we ore in snr 1 bill us with their melody beard them before eyes closed to us in this not lost we shall see and again in 'some other with their added light is the fulfilling of the The Glnrv lifrk ic rot only the passionate love qng for another but Love pure beautiful and ARRIVED We hHv iut'unkaged' a car of Royail Household: lour and Voif ta tVx fUir that will maky'wr6 than an'y1 lour hiy Monpy rtwiided'n every bag thatdue i not) give onrireIV 9 a liberal bau Intn Lave sever ihmbef grades of lour that are i xceb dent irond valiie the i TIMOTHY AND CLOVER SEED i before buying the quality a will as tHn unequalled ROBINSON SONof ilainiltori Bld 1 i' Orangeville ProraptTown iMtwrj similarity of so I wish to state that iA I 7 THR SUN ORANGEVILLfc ONT MAY 30 1007 vijnviv wikfelAnvIQlQi ISebaefer Deawnrerf Mwt CrMlt XmnrrlMK the" Game The fact that very few flrat class bil liardlsts have "ever been developed lai one of the strange Yeaures ot the game Vlgnaux Schaefer and Sloason have been champions more than thirty years only others developed dur ing all this time being Ives Hoppe and Sutton a most remarkable showing not to be paralleled in any other branch of sport r' Of all the experts Schaefer deservesmost credit for the development of the game to Jts present high standard Healways has beefa anxious and to aid In the development of young sters and Ives Hoppe Morningstar and Sutton all were his pupils The? balk line nurse the feature of play 're sponsible for all high runs however is the invention of Sutton and when as a shortstop he first sprung it he occa sioned great surprise Schaefer is the father of all the rules under which billiards are played At various times he has surmounted by his inventive genius the many barriers Imposed on experts to decrease their speed and necessitated the making of new restrictions for the other experts could all take advantage of the new discoveries as soon as they came to know them and almost unending runs the result In a championship contest between Jake and Ives the latter sat down with 14 to go and Schaefer came to bat with 566 to go The largest run ever made: up to that time had been 288 and the Wizard seeme8 to have but little show to win His great inventivegenius came to the rescue however the anchor nurse was discovered and Schaefer ran the game out This was the only time the anchor nurse was allowed lb a match game for Ives aft er it was discovered could play it as well as Schaefer and as it made the game too easy it was immediately' barred Incidental to the above game rank White a well known Chicago sport won a most remarkable bet from Leo Mayer the well known bookmaker As Schaefer walked up to the table1 in the final inning White turned around to Mayer who was making books on the contest and said are the odds now hundred to said Mayer bet you said White said Leo And when the game was over Leo had to settle with the wise Mr White who a billiard player himself knew that a game was never over until the last point was Washington Post "1 2 "ti 1 I I I 1 I S8S888SS Il I L' 'W vw vsfrSwPBwMp8oWpSo8goo888SS'y ss jr 4 HH I fl nB fl fl1 ifl 'tB I fl it fl tfl 'fl 1 9 fl fl Vfl Vi II I I 4 74 to 75 68 to 00 73 to 00 60 to 00 42 to 43 55 to 00 72 to 00 78 to 80 00 to 14 00 00 to 11 00 00 to 13 00 00 to 0 00 27 to 30 24 10 25 12 to 14 50 to 7 50 00 to 5 50 25 to 7 25 25 to 6 00 9 to 11 9 to 10 12 to 13 13 to 15 11 to 13 50 to 3 00 75 Io 3 00 0 16 0 26.

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The Sun from Orangeville, Ontario, Canada (2024)


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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.